Welcome to Woodbridge Pediatrics!
Established in 1972, Woodbridge Pediatrics has been proudly providing pediatric care to our community for 40 years. We are ready to work with parents and guardians to provide the best care possible for the health and wellness of your child. We provide care to children from birth up to 21 years of age. Our pediatricians and providers are all board-certified and experienced in the care of pediatric patients.
“I am always welcomed and feel comfortable here. I know that when I come to see the doctors, I will leave with a positive experience and all of my questions answered. They always take time with us and that lets me know that they care!”
-C.C. 12/03/15

1924 Opitz Boulevard
Woodbridge, VA 22191
Phone: 703 494-1144
Fax: 703 494-5647
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.